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2019    Internship with Jan Kempenaers in Antwerp
2016 - 2020 Photography, Bachelor of Design, HKU University of the Arts
2012 - 2016 Bachelor of Built Environment, HU University of Applied Sciences

2024    (upcoming) The verge, a vessel, the veil (Part II), WILLIE, Zaandam, NL
2024    The verge, a vessel, the veil (Part I), Broedplaats Heining, Amsterdam, NL
2023    Destination Unknown, Roermond, NL
2023    Projectspace Lokaal, Utrecht, NL (solo)
2023    De Bouwput, Amsterdam, NL (solo)
2023    Things That Take Time, TORCH Gallery, Amsterdam, NL
2022    The National Photography Congress of Istanbul, Istanbul, TR
   Connection, Galerie Bart, Amsterdam, NL
2022    Kloof United, Kunsthal Kloof, Utrecht, NL
2022    Setting the Stage: Photography as Object and Prop, Lusuolo Castle, IT
2022    Filmtheater Kriterion, Amsterdam, NL (solo)
2022    Next stop - chop shop, Kunsthal Kloof, Utrecht, NL
2021     De Belofte 16, Kunstliefde, Utrecht, NL
2021     Keep an Eye Award Show, FOTODOK, Utrecht, NL
2021      UNSEEN Book Market, Amsterdam, NL
2021     Seeing the Unseen, Galerie Pouloeuff, Naarden, NL 
2021     Becoming Moveable Statues, city centre of Utrecht, NL
2021     Remnants of a Moment, Kunstliefde, Utrecht, NL
2020    Parallax Views, AG, Utrecht, NL
2020    HKU Photography Graduation Show, FOTODOK, Utrecht, NL 
2019     Het kan niet altijd feest zijn, Café Boothill, Utrecht, NL
2019     The sponge, the clay, the brick, the bridge, UNSEEN, Amsterdam, NL

Residencies / Development
2025     (upcoming) Residency at PADA Studios
2024     Power Up programme by Mondriaan Fonds
2023     Residency at Destination Unknown 2023
2023     Residency at AGA LAB
2022     Workshop Setting the Stage: Photography as Object and Prop
2020    FOTODOK Lighthouse: Talent Program

Artist Books
2021     Material Evidence of what does not Exist

Prizes / Grants
2024     Mondriaan Fonds:  Artist Start
2022     Pictoright Steunfonds
2021     Fonds Kwadraat
2020    Keep an Eye Photography Stipendium

Commissioned work
2023   Series of images for Stadscuratorium Amsterdam
2022   De Correspondent: Zo worden de huizen van de toekomst waterproof

Publications / Press
Interview with Katharina Siegel on Sprout Publish
Podcast “DU-Podcast” by Destination Unknown
Podcast “Rise above the Void” by Galerie Bart
Portretten van een nieuwe lichting fotografen, MAGjeZIENenHOREN #5!
De kunst van het kijken, Seeing the Unseen, Galerie Pouloeuff, Gooi- en Eemlander
2021     Lighthouse the podcast: Daan Russcher & David Hamers
    Interview with Steve Bisson on Urbanautica
2021    Self-image: Personal stories during Moveable Statues at Domplein
2020   Blurring the Lines catalog, published by Urbanautica Institute

Artist Talks / Lectures / Other
2024   Guest lecture at Hogeschool voor de Kunsten Utrecht
2023   Guest lecture at Hogeschool voor de Kunsten Utrecht
2023   Mentor project ErfGoed in Beeld for Omgevingseducatie Gooi, Vecht- en Eemstreek
2022   Guest lecture at Hogeschool voor de Kunsten Utrecht
2022   Mentor project ErfGoed in Beeld for Omgevingseducatie Gooi, Vecht- en Eemstreek
2021    Moderator at online conference Blurring the Lines 2021
2021    Artist talk at Photography Lunch Talks, Paris College of Art

Daan Russcher (1995)
Based in Amsterdam, The Netherlands


My work is a form of reverse architecture, where I move between the roles of artist and architect. I photograph existing structures, then make cutouts of them or mold them into sculptures. I focus on non-places such as industrial areas, metro stations or traffic junctions: spaces designed to be passed through, where we usually spend little time.

In these environments the polished decor of city centers appears to be absent or shows cracks. They share a nondescript character and often show more decay and degradation of buildings. We are not challenged to claim space or possess a personal spot. This is what I explore: how can I make these places my own by experiencing, deconstructing, and transforming them into something new. Through my work, I aim to create a tribute to these forgotten areas and reveal their often-overlooked beauty.

By playfully engaging with the massive nature of architecture, I create a world that is both recognizable and alienating at the same time. I investigate the malleability of architecture and the boundary between the unsightly and the aesthetic. The use of photography enables me to recontextualize existing environments in this exploration.